FatylProductions Podcast

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Movie Review: Green Lantern

So here's the scoop on this one. This Uber-baddie called Parallax was once a Guardian council member and the founder of the Green Lantern Corps. That is until he tried to harness the power of Fear.

Basic plot is there. So that's a good thing right? Well, I'm not too sure about that. Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds) is in constant fear of being in fear. That's something I think we can all relate to. But this guy is a WHIMP when it comes to things like romance. Lets mix a pinkish/purpleish alien with a magical green ring and a dime store throw away lantern that not even the most tasteless of individuals would want, shake well and serve for 160 minuets or until the audiance gets bored.

The Green Lantern is one of those stories that you can only tell so many times before it gets stale, and the good folks at DC, who have a habit of beating dead horses, ran this one through the ringer yet again. The sub-plot and the main story really were not very well presented, and it just felt like Green Lanter: First Flight all over again with a hint of The Emerald Knights thrown in for filler. While I like the franchise a lot, if for nothing else as a story of how one very scared man turns that fear into a strength, this movie leaves little to be desired. It seemed like one gigantic waste of time and energy as it was basically one huge CG shot after another.

While this movie isn't completely bad, I can't really say it was entirely good either. It drags on until maybe the half-way point (that being generous) leaving a whole 45 minuets to develop the rest of the story, give really no supporting character development or any real development to the main character other than how scared he is of committing to any thing, especially a woman.

It kind of feels like a service movies for hard-core lantern fans, and at the same time I can't see the direction of this one doing any justice to any facet of the original story.

Effect wise this movie was great. Lots of CG action shots, lots of big expensive CG, and did I mention lots of CG? I mean EVERY thing except for a handful of extras, Hal Jordan's head and some supporting cast members were CG. in an almost two hour movie that's a lot of money in the tubes,green screen, and no real props as even the Lantern Battery was CG. If you all want to know why ticket prices at the box office were climbing so high its simply because of this movie and the expenses they were going to need to cover it which the collection had probably started back in 1997 when movies saw their first major hike in price, from I think it was six bucks a pop to twelve.

The acting on this one isn't too bad either, so I can't take any points off from that. Only wish I had shelled out for the 3D because it would have been bitchin'.

So if you are going to waste a few bucks to go see this, you may as well get your money's worth by paying extra for the 3D show, and if you got it, extra for the reserved seats. Till next time!

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