FatylProductions Podcast

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Side Project #1: Custom StormTrooper Helmet build

Well all, figured I would share this since I haven't made an update in a week or two - things have been hectic!

While I wait on funds to become available to finish the Iron Man Armor I'm working on, I started work on this beast - a completely custom Stormtrooper helmet. Not planning on it being screen accurate, but at least it will be cool looking when I'm done - any one say Chrome paint?But seriously though, when this is done its going to look pretty good for not being a screen accurate piece and MIGHT be good enough to enter into some helm contests. If all goes well with this build, I may just do some more 'Trooper helms and maybe even a Vader Helm or two.

Wow! Okay, I know, I know - cut with the gabgab and get with the pici-tures! Well here ya go gang!

 Let me help out with a bit of free advertising - To show scale, the laptop pictured is a Toshiba Satellite l455-s5975. Yes, I used a Foxconn motherboard box (courtesy of Newegg.com and my $40 + shipping). I don't remember what model the motherboard is, but its one of their 760G  budget boards.

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