FatylProductions Podcast

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Iron Man 2.0 Update

Well it has been a good while since I posted some major progress, so without any further ado, here are pictures! If you have been following along, you'll know that there were some issues with the .torso set I had started - This was due to lack of bracing on my part. See the pictures  below!

This is the top of the back piece. It warped up pretty bad as you can tell.

 This is the back piece from a strait on shot. Sorry its really bright, but my camera started wigging out when i took this picture.

 And here is the waist and stomach section. Warping took the worst toll on this part.

The chest piece. This was not as warped as the other parts but it is still quite noticeable. Let this be lesson; Always use bracing when fiber-glassing!

At any rate, enjoy the new upper torso parts - complete with bracing!

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