FatylProductions Podcast

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Iron man Project: Part 2

Well I don't have too much to update right now other than there is now a complete left arm to match the right and will soon go to fiber glass this week. Not much got done last week as it was pretty busy, and there wasn't too much time to build.

As it stands, there are only the hands, feet, and legs to build at this point for a total of eight parts out of twenty-one. I haven't yet had a chance to complete the chest plate, back, or lower torso, but that will soon be completed. I may have to re-do the helmet which stinks, because the helmet I had built is really nice... But live and learn, right?

No pictures yet of the two arm files yet, but feel free to take a look at the Work In Progress photos on my Facebook page, which is linked to the right.

'Til next time, stay frosty!

Frank D Out

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