FatylProductions Podcast

Friday, November 9, 2012

Life is funny, isn't it? Things happen, things don't - it's enough to make your head explode. And while things happen (or not) we still continue on.

That sums up how life is affected by live itself - a caustic effect that moves perpetually without fail and, seemingly, without end.

Having realized this, I am set to start work on some fan film projects. Nothing too big, and there really is no money for it, but I have concepts and that's enough, because, where there is a will, there is a way.

Join me in making this happen by clicking the donation button on the side and giving whatever you feel like to finance these upcoming projects.

In the works:

Predator short film
Ghostbusters Webseries
Anything else we can imagine

So please, help us create and build new worlds for you to enjoy with a donation! Your donations will go to props, stage and location shooting, editing, and travel expenses (within a 40 mile radius of Milwaukee county).

**Financial backers will get key input and production credits.**