FatylProductions Podcast

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Side Project #1: Custom StormTrooper Helmet build

Well all, figured I would share this since I haven't made an update in a week or two - things have been hectic!

While I wait on funds to become available to finish the Iron Man Armor I'm working on, I started work on this beast - a completely custom Stormtrooper helmet. Not planning on it being screen accurate, but at least it will be cool looking when I'm done - any one say Chrome paint?But seriously though, when this is done its going to look pretty good for not being a screen accurate piece and MIGHT be good enough to enter into some helm contests. If all goes well with this build, I may just do some more 'Trooper helms and maybe even a Vader Helm or two.

Wow! Okay, I know, I know - cut with the gabgab and get with the pici-tures! Well here ya go gang!

 Let me help out with a bit of free advertising - To show scale, the laptop pictured is a Toshiba Satellite l455-s5975. Yes, I used a Foxconn motherboard box (courtesy of Newegg.com and my $40 + shipping). I don't remember what model the motherboard is, but its one of their 760G  budget boards.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Custom Game Mats Any One?

I have decided that it is time to spread my artistic wings and start doing some custom TCG Game mats. These mats will be either hand drawn, or Printed, and will be available for $25 for a hand drawn, or $30 for a printed mat. Here is one I have been using that I drew by hand.

Feel free to email me (CloneWorksAdmin@gmail.com) to request your mat. pricing does not include shipping.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Iron Man 2.0 Update 9 - The end of the Softbuild!

Just moments ago I finished taking pictures of the soft build of the suit. This marks the completion of the soft build! The shins and thigh parts are a bit longer due to the elevation of the boots, which should add anywhere between 3-6 inches depending on material between the boot and the inner lining of the boot, and the amount of inner lining material. Time to start/continue the fiber-glassing stage!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Iron Man 2.0 Update 8

The soft build rolls to a close Monday! The second boot needs to be built up and then i just have to work out a new stomach plate. Enjoy the pics!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Iron Man 2.0 Update 7

Well gang, not too much to report here other than my camera being on the fritz at the moment, but the boots have been started and i will be posting pics by monday. I should also have fiber glassing started by Tuesday, that is if our rainy weather has died down by then.

Good news, Everyone! The camera has been fixed. Turns out it needed to be reset. Now with the pictures already. Here are the shins, side-by-side complete with Knee covers and at the bottom of them are the foot covers. This marks the near end of the soft build, making the actual build complete.

Boot pictures to come this weekend!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Iron Man 2.0 Update 6

Continuing to grind away at this project and keeping up with the momentum I have built up working on this, the shin is done!

Here are some pics of the completed shin - I still need to do the Knee part which will come in a day or so, along with bracing for the shin. Not too shabby, eh?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Iron Man 2.0 Update 5

Well gang - this build is about to see the finale. All that is left to do is the helmet, the boots and the shins. Initially I was going to use these shins below;

But after I got them built and realizing how big of a waste of time they were, considering the shape and out right ugliness of the product, I went and designed my own for this little project;

The orange parts show where the cuts will be made when printed, while the black lines (last picture) show how it will be folded to achive the end result.

The decision to do my own Shins for this project came from a need for a universal shin that could easily be modified to fit the needs of the wearer. I am hoping to do some accessory parts to go along with this design. I Also wanted to keep the shape as organic as possible while still offering a great deal of mobility, and other previously designed parts don't quite offer the same range of motion that this design does.

This is also very close to the style shin I wanted for this suit as it just fits well aesthetically.

Now the actual update. The second thigh is done after doing 2 different versions of the butt ugly shins and scrapping them both (AKA Letting the cat play with them - sorry there are no pics of those shins by the way). All that is left to do for this second thigh is to add the bracing so it wont collapse when I go to resin with them (see previous posts) and then it is off to start the new shins and then my favorites - THE BOOTS! I'm actually really excited as the boots im going to be working on will allow for very good mobility, as they are two parts, and with a good coat of latex to the bottom, traction should be no issue.

So now I am off to the depths of the creature shop to get the bracing done for the new thigh and a few hours work on the shins before I hit the sack for the night (which will probably be close to 4 A.M. if not 5). Keep it here for more updates - should have one in a day or two.

Don't forget folks, you can always help me out with materials if you wanna donate. E-Mail me or leave a comment if you want to send some materials my way like card stock or sand paper or paint. To donate some cash, there is a Donate button in the top Side Bar.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Iron Man 2.0 Update 4

The first thigh is DONE and i totally owned this part. took 3 days to get it completed (yes that includes cutting) and now I'm on this massive downhill build spree! If all goes well another week should see the end of the soft build process and another week after that should be the end of the project. I'm on such a high right now, sleeping isn't an option for me until I pass the hell out!

Well, I'm going to be back in a few days with some more pics. I haven't decided if I'm going to start with the other thigh or go strait to the shins, then boot and then go back to the thigh, but what ever I do, I will get the pics!

Stay Tuned for some more building mayhem, because when I finish this, I have another project in store. Till then, here's some eye candy.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Iron Man 2.0 Update 3

It is time for another installment of the Iron Man Progress Report. After days of work, the Hip Pods and Waist pieces are done. Next up is to start work on the legs.

Its all down hill from here! Litteraly. Left to do are the Legs, Boots, Helmet and Hands for a grand total of nine parts out of twenty four remaining. EPIC! so stay tuned and enjoy some pictures while your here!

Till next time friends, Stay Frosty!

It is now 10:30 AM Central US Time. I have been working on the next part for a few hours and have yet to go to bed. Even as I write this I can feel my body's need for sleep winning the battle over my drive to get this suit completed... I guess it is time to sleep for now. But what to do when I wake? Perhaps continue on the path of building, or perhaps I should further plan my next steps? Good thing I get to sleep on it now! Hahahah!

EDIT 2: The last bits of the Iron Man suit have JUST finished printing, and I will get to work on the right now! Its going to take me all night to cut out just one part, and aiming to have all 70+ peices of one leg done within the week! I will be using a modified version of Dancin_Fool's MKIII legs and boot files which will look splendid next to the rest of the suit :D