FatylProductions Podcast

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Iron Man Project

Greetings, True Believers.

Today marks the start of the Fatyl Productions Era. And ushering in this new era, is the IronMan project. Amongst a few prop builders, Iron Man is a common thread holding the maker community together. Each week will bring progress of this first of many builds and I hope that you enjoy this progress as much as I enjoy working on it.

If you would like to contribute to the completion of this projct you can do so via the donate button.

So lets get cracking!

It has been a few weeks since some real progress has been made on this suit. the first of  the finished parts were the collar plates.

I know - nothing big here, just some L-Shapped peices of fiber glass and paint. Well these parts here are responsible for holding the Chest and Back Plates together.

So there you have it - The first part. In a week, you'll see a few more parts as I have been putting off this blog for some time.

So before I get out of here I want you to know, yes, I can do a suit for you. I can also do other jobs to request and love a good challenge! Untill next time, Nuff Said!