FatylProductions Podcast

Friday, November 9, 2012

Life is funny, isn't it? Things happen, things don't - it's enough to make your head explode. And while things happen (or not) we still continue on.

That sums up how life is affected by live itself - a caustic effect that moves perpetually without fail and, seemingly, without end.

Having realized this, I am set to start work on some fan film projects. Nothing too big, and there really is no money for it, but I have concepts and that's enough, because, where there is a will, there is a way.

Join me in making this happen by clicking the donation button on the side and giving whatever you feel like to finance these upcoming projects.

In the works:

Predator short film
Ghostbusters Webseries
Anything else we can imagine

So please, help us create and build new worlds for you to enjoy with a donation! Your donations will go to props, stage and location shooting, editing, and travel expenses (within a 40 mile radius of Milwaukee county).

**Financial backers will get key input and production credits.**

Thursday, September 22, 2011

As it has been a while, it's time for a new post. As the Iron Man build is put off indefinitely I figured I would show you all what I have been working on - The Ghostbuster's Containment Unit! For those of us prop builders looking to recreate this iconic piece of fandom, this is a Papercraft file available for $20 US. If you would like to purchase this file, please feel free to email me (Subject: Containment Unit Pep) or leave a message in the comments section below  with your Facebook ID, or Email address so I can contact you.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Side Project #1: Custom StormTrooper Helmet build

Well all, figured I would share this since I haven't made an update in a week or two - things have been hectic!

While I wait on funds to become available to finish the Iron Man Armor I'm working on, I started work on this beast - a completely custom Stormtrooper helmet. Not planning on it being screen accurate, but at least it will be cool looking when I'm done - any one say Chrome paint?But seriously though, when this is done its going to look pretty good for not being a screen accurate piece and MIGHT be good enough to enter into some helm contests. If all goes well with this build, I may just do some more 'Trooper helms and maybe even a Vader Helm or two.

Wow! Okay, I know, I know - cut with the gabgab and get with the pici-tures! Well here ya go gang!

 Let me help out with a bit of free advertising - To show scale, the laptop pictured is a Toshiba Satellite l455-s5975. Yes, I used a Foxconn motherboard box (courtesy of Newegg.com and my $40 + shipping). I don't remember what model the motherboard is, but its one of their 760G  budget boards.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Custom Game Mats Any One?

I have decided that it is time to spread my artistic wings and start doing some custom TCG Game mats. These mats will be either hand drawn, or Printed, and will be available for $25 for a hand drawn, or $30 for a printed mat. Here is one I have been using that I drew by hand.

Feel free to email me (CloneWorksAdmin@gmail.com) to request your mat. pricing does not include shipping.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Iron Man 2.0 Update 9 - The end of the Softbuild!

Just moments ago I finished taking pictures of the soft build of the suit. This marks the completion of the soft build! The shins and thigh parts are a bit longer due to the elevation of the boots, which should add anywhere between 3-6 inches depending on material between the boot and the inner lining of the boot, and the amount of inner lining material. Time to start/continue the fiber-glassing stage!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Iron Man 2.0 Update 8

The soft build rolls to a close Monday! The second boot needs to be built up and then i just have to work out a new stomach plate. Enjoy the pics!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Iron Man 2.0 Update 7

Well gang, not too much to report here other than my camera being on the fritz at the moment, but the boots have been started and i will be posting pics by monday. I should also have fiber glassing started by Tuesday, that is if our rainy weather has died down by then.

Good news, Everyone! The camera has been fixed. Turns out it needed to be reset. Now with the pictures already. Here are the shins, side-by-side complete with Knee covers and at the bottom of them are the foot covers. This marks the near end of the soft build, making the actual build complete.

Boot pictures to come this weekend!